Mucormycosis is an angio invasive infection that occurs due to the fungi Mucorales. It is a rare disease but increasingly recognized in immunocompromised patients. It can be categorized into rhino-orbito cerebral, cutaneous, disseminated, gastrointestinal, and pulmonary types.
American pathologist "R.D. Baker"
coined the term Mucormycosis.ETIOPATHOGENESIS
Mucorales attack deep tissues by means of ingestion or inhalation of spores, and percutaneous injection of spores.
As soon as the spores penetrate into the lung or cutaneous tissues, the first line of defense in the healthy host is capable of destroying the spores via oxidative metabolites and cationic peptides.
Risk factors include,
- uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
- ketoacidosis
- steroid use
- extremes of age
- neutropenia
- hematological malignancy
- renal insufficiency
- organ or stem cell transplantation
- iron overload
- skin trauma
- broad-spectrum antibiotics
- These are some drugs with their possible routes:
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