Thyroid Hormones [I]

Thyroid Hormones: Analogues & Their Inhibitors Thyroid gland: - Location: front of Neck, below the Adam's Apple (larynx). - butterfly-shaped gland. - it is composed of Million clusters of follicles. - a follicle is a structure having epithelial cells surrounding a central mass (colloid). - Epithelial cells: (i) follicular cells[T3 & T4] (ii) parafollicular cells [calcitonin] - having two lobes; either on the windpipe (trachea). Thyroid Hormone Actions: i.Growth & Development ii.Intermediary metabolism (lipid,carbohydrate & protein metabolism) iii.Caloriegenesis-production of heat via digestion of food or action of several hormones thus BMR increases iv.Haemopoiesis v.Modulate gene transcription Synthesis, Storage & Release of Thyroid Hormones: 1.Iodine uptake/Trapping: ...