
Showing posts from October, 2020

"Apoptosis (Phase II)"

               We deal with general ideas about Apoptosis in earlier blog (Apoptosis Phase 1). Now in this blog we are going to deal with two important points which are:   1. Apoptosis Pathways   2. Apoptosis Assays(only name)          1. Apoptosis Pathways                    A] Extrinsic pathway (death receptor-mediated events)                    i. Death receptors and their Ligands :          -death receptors are members of TNF (tumor necrosis factor) receptor super family.          -they have cytoplasmic domain of 80 amino acid which is called Cellular Death Domain (CDD).          -CDD plays vital role in death signal transmission from cell surface to intracellular signalling.                    ii. Adaptor Proteins :          -they have critical role in pro-apoptotic signaling (i.e. apoptosis causing events)          -adaptor proteins which mediate Pro-apoptotic signaling are:                 a) FADD (Fas-Associated Death Domain)                 b) TADD (TNF-receptor Associated De

"Apoptosis (Phase I)"

  So guys here we are in Apoptic Zone!           In the human body, the rate of cell synthesis and cell death is balanced to maintain the mass of the body. Hence, easily we can conclude that the life of an individual is impossible without cellular death. There are 11 types of cell death are recognized till now, from which Apoptosis shares most (even more than autophagy and necrosis).   Apoptosis  apoptosis word has Greek origin which means "falling away"  physiological cell death  useless, unwanted cells are eliminated  it is programmed cell death (PCD)  cell is active participant in its own demise or suicide  Apoptosis is important in:                  1. Embryonic development -before parturition                  2. Homeostasis maintenance -in adults        Morphological changes during Apoptosis:             1. Cell shrinkage             2. Organell reduction             3. Nuclear fragmentation             4. Chromatin condensation             5. Cell blebbing or changes


            As our channel's bio says, we are prompting to biology for introducing magical articles from a huge biological world to you.              Normally in day-to-day life eventually we realize that life is a sweet lie and death is bitter truth; why this death happen so? To find the answer to this immortal question we have to go in deep into many aspects. But one thing is very clear the balance of everything must be there in respective limits.         The balance about which we were discussing that must be happening in the human body too at the macro or micro levels. You will be amazed to know that approximately 100 billion (10,000 crores) cells die every day in the human body in order to maintain balance. Out of the above 100 Billion mentioned, 50-70 billion cells (50-70%) dies by "Apoptosis" only itself.        So game on buddies! We are going to one of the most tragical fortunate zones of biology that is "Apoptosis".          Wait for 24 hours and one

Nitric oxide a possible treatment for COVID-19.

  Nitric oxide a possible treatment for COVID-19.           Covid-19 (Coronavirus disease) is a respiratory tract infection caused by a coronavirus closely related to SARS coronavirus. Generally, Covid-19 patients show hypoxemia associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Hypoxemia means lowering of oxygen level in the blood, hence we need advanced mechanisms to transfer oxygen from alveoli to blood. Many experimental & clinical evidence explains the significant role of Inhaled Nitric Oxide(NO) as a selective vasodilator. , which has shown to restore oxygenation by helping to normalize shunts and ventilation/perfusion mismatch. NO has ability to suppress the replication of coronavirus, only NO has this unique property than other vasodilator agents. Hence it helps to clinical management of COVID-19 .     Researchers in many universities continuously working on the COVID-19 vaccine, a scientist at Uppsala University have discovered the more effective way of treating

Zydus Healthcare launches generic anti-diabetic Dapagliflozin tablets in India.

       Zydus Healthcare launched its Dapagliflozin in two variants, 10mg and 5mg with   Rs 17 and Rs 14 respectively.    New Delhi: Leading Medicine Manufacturing company Zydus launches Dapagliflozin tablets, across the country with the brand name “Dapaglyn” at a very pocket-friendly cost.                                                   This medicine daily prescribed as an adjuvant to diet and exercise, and the main purpose to control the glycemic level in adults suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus, Zydus healthcare explained.           Zydus launched this anti-diabetic medicine in two strengths of 10mg and 5mg with price Rs. 17 and Rs 14 respectively, which priced at ⅓ cost than currently available medicine. Due to this reason, this therapy becomes very economical, easily accessible, and very affordable to Patients. How does Dapagliflozin act on the human body?           Dapagliflozin is the newly invented class named by sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2)  inhibitors, t

Adequate levels of vitamin D reduce complications, death among COVID-19 patients.

        In December 2019, an epidemic of pneumonia caused by a novel virus later identified as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS–CoV-2) started in the city of Wuhan, Hubei province, China. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) , a pandemic of global health concern. The researchers have been focused on the prevention and treatment of this disease. Nonetheless, while the development of new drugs or vaccines would take a long time before human testing and commercialization, clinical trials on available pharmaceuticals with a potential effect against Covid-19 could more easily yield useful results and, as a matter of fact, are already being performed. Vitamin D is usually known for its role in the maintenance of bone health and calcium-phosphorus metabolism, yet many other roles of this hormone have been recently discovered, such as modulation of the immune response in