Amazing facts about human body.

        Read some amazing  & some weird facts about human body and explore out more about the brain, skeletons, muscles, eyes, bones, blood, muscles, the brain, heart and much more.

1.Human mouth daily produces about one litre of saliva through the mouth.
2.In case you smoothed out all the wrinkles on your brain, it might lay flat the scale of a pillowcase.
3.Do you know Sometimes human brain is more active while sleeping than when you’re awake.

4.Belly acid (Hydrochloric acid) can dissolve steel.
5. A human grown-up's blood veins can rotate multiple times in the Earth's equator. 

6.Tongue prints are as particular as fingerprints

7."Muscle" originates from Latin term,  signifying "little mouse", which is the thing that Ancient Romans thought utilized bicep muscles.

8.The jaw muscle is the strongest in the human frame.

9.Bodies emit a little measure of light that is excessively difficult for the eye to see.

10.While awaking, your brain produces enough strength to light a lightbulb.

11. The normal human being has 67 unique types of microorganisms in their tummy button.

12. While you blush, the inside of your stomach does too.

13. You lose about 4 kg of skin cells per year.

14. Data travels along the nerves at about 400 kmph! 
15. Teratomas are certain kind of tumors they can grow with their own teeth and hair.

16. Astronauts can grow up to 2 inches taller in space.

17. In a normal human life heart beats approx. more than 3billion times.

18. Your left lung is around 10 percent littler than your right lung.

19. Your brain can survive for five to 10 mins without oxygen.

20. The small intestine is more or less 23 feets long.

21. Human teeth are similarly as solid as shark teeth.

22. In cases of severe hunger, the brain will begin to consume itself.

23. Human Nose can detects over  a trillion distinctive scents: Study.

24. Humans get so many pairs of organs but out of them only one required to survive.

25. Your ears and your nose never stop developing.

26. Your left kidney is slightly upsidethan your right kidney.

27.  You couldn't breathe and swallow at the equal time.

28. Your whole blood content is  eight percent of your total body weight.

29. You know your body burns about three to 6 calories per minute during sex.

30. Cornflakes have a greater number of genes than humans do.

31. People can’t digest grass because absence of cellulase Enzyme. 

32. On average, approximately 4 pounds of bacteria present around on our body.

33. In the human body The hottest recorded fever ever is one hundred fifteen fahrenheit.

34. In camera terms, the human eye is set 576 megapixels.

35. The medical call for stomach growls is “borborygmus."

36. Scientists are unable to disclose the reason behind yawning but it may be to control our human body temperature.

37. Scientists aren't exactly sure why we yawn, but it may help regulate body temperature.

38. Men’s testicles dangle underneath their bodies due to the fact sperm dies at normal body temperature.

39. After your death, your fingernails stop growing.

40. 50 percent of your hand energy comes out of your little finger. 

41, Human being are the main animal presents with jawlines. As you inhale, a large portion of the air is going all through one nostril. Like clockwork, the remaining burden movements to the next nostril.

 42. You have two kidneys, but you can live with one kidney also.

43. Between birth to death human loses up to 96 bones.; human birth generally with 300 bones but during time of death it has 204 bones. 

44. All organs fulfill their requirement of oxygen through blood but the cornea is the only organ that gets oxygen directly from surrounding air.

45. The human body contains sufficient fats to make seven bars of soap.

46. The body’s largest organ is skin, it's 15% of total body weight. 

47. Blushing is due to secretion of  adrenaline".

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