“88% of pregnant women show asymptomatic (B types) of CORONA symptoms.”

Normally COVID-19(Coronavirus) targets mainly the respiratory system of the human body, many people suffering from chronic respiratory disease those people get easily targeted by the COVID-19 virus, but if you are pregnant then your problems will be going to increases, prescribing medication for pregnant women been always tough for a gynecologist in term of mother and fetus health is a concern, but now problems are getting more worst by the entry of COVID-19. If you are pregnant, then your mind has a lot of questions like, will your baby child live safely in this pandemic ? or if you have tested positive for Covid-19 , what will you do? etc The answers have not been found yet, scientists are constantly working on it. Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute Research in Reproductive Health (ICMR-NIRRH), in collaboration with the Medical Education and Drug...