
Showing posts from November, 2020

Androgens & Anabolic Steroids

    1. Androgens (Male Sex Hormone):    - development of secondary sex characters in male    - it was isolated as testicular hormone    - commercial sources: urine of male, female and testicular extracts    - it is also a product of the adrenal cortex    - androgen is able to develop secondary sex characteristics in castrated male    - e.g. testosterone Secretion and Regulation-    - secreted by interstitial cells/Leydig cells of testes    - FSH stimulation on testes causes testosterone secretion Pharmacological Actions-    - growth of genitalis (penis, scrotum, seminal vesicle)    - growth of hairs (pubic, axillary, beard, etc)    - thickening of the skin    - veins look prominent since subcutaneous fat is lost    - larynx grows & voice deepens     - penile erection and physical aggression    - development of the male phenotype    - spermatogenesis and maturation of spermatozoa    - rapid bone growth    - fusion of epiphysis in boys as well as girls by Estradiol formed by testost

Anti-Neoplastic Agents

 These are agents used for the treatment of cancer, tumor, malignancy carcinoma, sarcoma, leukemia, neoplasm.  All the above mentioned are characterized by uncontrolled and abnormal cell growth.  Primary tumors invade adjacent normal cells or tissues and form cancerous cells then, these cancerous cells separate themselves from the primary tumors and reach distant sites of the body via the lymphatic system where they divide and form secondary tumors; this is the process of Metastasis .  Oncogene is the gene that has the potential to cause cancer.  Antineoplastic agents are as follows:               1. Alkylating agents               2. Antimetabolites               3. Antibiotics               4. Plant products               5. Miscellaneous agents 1. Alkylating Agents:        - these agents having two chloroethyl-side chains.        - these agents are capable to produce highly reactive "Carbonium ion".     Mechanism of Action -        - One of two chloroethyl side chains unde